With Artificial Intelligence Against The Shortage Of Skilled Workers

How can patient care be guaranteed when, due to demographic change, more and more patients are faced with too few medical professionals? The answer from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) is Digitization. Therefore, the “Innovative Secure Medical Campus” lighthouse project will be implemented within three years. The NEW Ministry of Economic Affairs supports the project.

The shortage of skilled workers in the healthcare sector has been hotly debated in the past two years. Higher wages and bonuses were discussed to make the job attractive again. However, appropriate solutions only help in the short term, as the additional money cannot counteract the demographic change. It can be assumed that the situation will deteriorate and that the already small number of specialists will have to cope with an increased number of patients with complex diseases.

Prof. Ulrike Attenberg, Director of the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the UKB, and Prof. Together with the Cyber ​​Security Cluster have launched an AI lighthouse project. “Using the latest technologies such as B. 5G, artificial intelligence, and surgical robotics, the UKB as an innovative medical campus should be a pioneer for a medical campus of the future,”. “It’s about a secure, comprehensive digitization solution that optimises the diagnostics and treatment of patients, including robotic surgery, as well as general processes in clinics.”

With AI-Based Algorithms For Successful Therapy

All medical patient data must be available in digital form for the project. They form the basis for developing AI-based algorithms that contribute to therapeutic decision-making. For example, therapy simulators are to be used. The aim is to test the success of the therapy on so-called digital twins, i.e., digital replicas of the patients. The surgical robotics are also to be optimised.

But the UK’s efforts do not end there: the project also deals with AI-supported intelligent resource planning and smart parking. In addition, autonomously driving shuttle vehicles are to be tested on the premises of the university hospital. Finally, the digitization solutions are also to be integrated into the smart city approach of Bonn.

However, a stable and fast internet connection is required to carry out such projects. For this reason, a 5G campus network from Deutsche Telekom was established on the entire Venus campus last year.

Safety First

Adequate security precautions are essential, especially when it comes to sensitive patient data. After all, the last few years have shown that hackers are increasingly targeting medical facilities. Therefore, the University Hospital works closely with the Cyber ​​Security Cluster Bonn on the security strategy. “We are proud that, with our cluster members’ knowledge and extensive experience, we could contribute cyber security by design right from the start when designing the Innovative Secure Medical Campus.”

Millions In Funding From The Ministry Of Economic Affairs

“By using state-of-the-art technologies and digitization strategies, we will turn the vision of a clinic of the future into reality within the next three years.” “As a pilot clinic, Bonn will be a pioneer for state-of-the-art, highly efficient, and digitised patient care and set new standards. This new standard will not only make work easier for doctors, nurses, and everyone involved in healthcare but also for better processes,

So that other hospitals can also benefit from the advantages of the Innovative Secure Medical Campus. The project will be included in the AI ​​flagship initiative of the competence platform for artificial intelligence NRW (KI.NRW). “The approach of combining state-of-the-art AI technology with the topic of cyber security and data protection from the outset shows: NRW can do AI. But also: AI is a team sport.” “The interplay of different expertise enables innovative solutions with appeal beyond NRW.”

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