Why It No Longer Works Without A CMS

CMS, short for content management systems, has become irreplaceable for building your own website and plays an essential role in companies or municipal institutions. The term refers to software that can manage a wide variety of website content. Content in text, images, and multimedia elements can be edited and inserted via a graphical user interface that is easy to use. The origins can be found in the simplification of the production process of newspaper editors.

Later, this software was increasingly used on websites. Nevertheless, the classic editorial systems differ from the CMS used today. While the former relates to the print sector, the latter is used exclusively online.

The Four Central Functions Of A CMS

Editing content can be edited, managed, and later published. Any content can be designed using various saved templates to create a uniform layout. As part of the authorization process, access rights can be granted to several people. Similarly, individual editing options can be restricted to specific users. Finally, the process of saving allows all changes to end up in a log, be saved, and, in an emergency, old versions are still there. In addition, there are several features or the option to add plugins and extensions.

What Types Of CMS Are There, And What Is Needed For Them?

Most well-known CMS, such as WordPress and Joomla, have a similar structure. Details partially differ. The market leader is WordPress, but Typo3 is also very popular in Germany and Austria. On the one hand, web content management systems focus on creating, distributing, and publishing web content. On the other hand, blog publishing systems are intended for bloggers or news tickers. A third type is used for social publishing, created by an active user group. The main content here is discussions and forum posts.

Online shops usually work with WooCommerce, built on WordPress, Shopify, or Magento. WooCommerce is the market leader because it is very similar to WordPress. An important aspect for online shops is the scalability of the CMS – Magento has the edge here (but is, therefore, also the most complex program).

To find the suitable CMS for your own needs, the goal must first be determined. The framework conditions, such as time and budget, must be remembered. Depending on the respective requirements, there are different CMS to choose from.

Furthermore, CMS differs in the cost factor. For example, there are two types of WordPress. With, the hosting is up to the user himself, whereas is hosted directly by the operator. Open-source programs are free and can be modified by any user. In contrast, proprietary CMS was developed by companies that charge money for them and are distributed with a license. Both variants have their advantages and disadvantages.

Ultimately, smooth web hosting is central to the success of a CMS. All databases, scripts, and other documents the system needs are on the server. The technical conditions for starting a CMS must be carefully examined in advance. All systems accept not all software.

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