E-commerce: Why It Is Essential For Your Business

From 2021 results to the 2022 outlook, find out why you choose e-commerce for your business.

The business of the future is increasingly digital and mobile. Online shopping continues to grow, as does the number of people who rely on web searches to meet their needs. A growth that has already been announced for some years and that has suffered a real explosion also due to the health emergency due to the Coronavirus.

The inability to move and browse between the various stores has helped even those who had not yet embraced the idea of ​​online buying e-commerce. Similarly, companies that, until a few months ago, only managed their business offline to continue offering products and services to customers and not slow down in terms of turnover have opened their online shops. So let’s see the 2021 results and the prospects for e-commerce in 2022.

The Results Of E-Commerce In 2022

The year 2021 of the real turning point for digital commerce. Until 2019, one could speak of a thriving market with significant margins for growth, last year, the definitive consecration arrived in the economic panorama. In the last twelve months, the numbers recorded by online sales have come very close to those offline, dramatically reducing the margin of difference between earnings. e-commerce in 2021 recorded:

  • A profit of 58.6 billion,
  • An increase in revenues of € 3.5 billion, or + 6.3% compared to 2019 ,
  • An increase in its weight on the total turnover of companies, reaching a value of 19.2% and placing itself in third place among the 99 economic activities with the most significant impact on turnover.

This is a development given by the difficulties in going to physical stores, but also by greater confidence in digital payments and home deliveries. It is interesting to underline how, in addition to these data highlighting the spread of online shops, the latter have adapted to an increasingly local aspect. Therefore, a close link with one’s territory underlines how e-commerce is supported and supports activities that already have a physical and perhaps well-rooted offline structure.

Why Open E-Commerce In 2022?

The path already taken by e-commerce will also be followed in 2022. Optimistic forecasts and exciting prospects are outlined for online commerce. What is expected of Italian e-commerce for this new year is well represented by the data elaborated by AJ-Com.Net :

  • A growth of 37% compared to 2021,
  • Increases in earnings from food and beverage (32.9 billion euros), advertising and marketing (19.2 billion), clothing (16.4 billion), furniture (15 billion), IT, and electronics (13.7 billion)).

In short, the number of people who will move to the web for purchases is destined to rise.

Result? A further boost to the increase of online shops, in terms of number and earnings, economic benefits and business opportunities for companies and, finally, new opportunities also for employment.

The Advantages Of E-Commerce For Companies

So, one thing is sure, the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has contributed to changing our habits as consumers. We have become virtual consumers, more used to choosing from an online showcase than touching a product, more oriented to being advised by reviews on the web than by the opinion of shop assistants, and more willing to make a digital payment than to use cash.

And if users have adapted to face a new reality, companies have not stood by and watched.

Regardless of the sector, many entrepreneurs have decided to open e-commerce or upgrade their online stores. Nothing more appropriate. Well-structured and efficient e-commerce allows you to:

  • Sell every day and every hour: There are no time constraints. There is no closure and opening. The shop is permanently active. So complete freedom of sale regardless of the day and time;
  • Reach more customers: While it is true that e-commerce tends to be more focused on the territory, it is also true that they are not physically tied to a place. So, potentially, using a good delivery service, you can also sell to people who are miles and miles away;
  • Not have high and fixed costs: Unlike a physical structure, which could require, for example, rental expenses, e-commerce, after the first initial investment, does not require a tremendous economic effort for Management;
  • Support the physical store: One thing does not exclude the other. This is precisely the case with online and offline shops. E-commerce can help and contribute to the work of a physical store. The customer will have the opportunity to live personalized experiences, always find your brand and have products ready for purchase in any circumstance—a way to accelerate your business and grow your reputation as a brand.

Also Read: The 10 E-Commerce Trends 2022

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