HomeTECHNOLOGYWhat Is The Scrum Methodology?

What Is The Scrum Methodology?

If there is something essential when managing a project within a company, it is to establish a work methodology that allows reaching the established objectives on time and with high quality.

For this, we have the help of agile methodologies based on techniques for the management and development of software projects.

Among the advantages of these methodologies are productivity, quality, daily monitoring of project progress, optimal use of resources, flexibility and risk reduction.

One of the best known and most used agile methodologies for project management is Scrum. The agile Scrum methodology is mainly based on the distribution of the work by iterations, that is, repetitions or reiterations, and in constant control of the results as they are obtained. Scrum is divided into short, periodic time blocks, called Sprints, which generally last 2 to 4 weeks.

The process starts from a list of objectives that make up the project plan, with the client of the project prioritizing these objectives according to the results that are achieved.

A Scrum team is usually made up of working groups of between 3 to 9 members of the development team, plus the Scrum Master and the Product Owner. Each of these roles has different responsibilities. The sum of all the roles is what we call the Scrum Team.

Product Owner

The Product Owner is in charge of optimizing and maximizing the value of the product, being the person in charge of managing the value flow of the product through the Product Backlog. Additionally, its work as an interlocutor with the stakeholders and sponsors of the project is fundamental, as well as its facet of the speaker of the requests and requirements of the clients.

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Scrum Master

The Scrum Master has two main functions within the framework: managing the Scrum process and helping to remove impediments that may affect product delivery. In addition, she is in charge of mentoring and training, coaching and facilitating meetings and events if necessary.

1. Manage the Scrum process

The Scrum Master is in charge of managing and ensuring that the Scrum process is carried out correctly, as well as facilitating the execution of the process and its mechanics. Always attending to the three pillars of empirical process control and making the methodology a source of value generation.

2. Eliminate impediments

This function of the Scrum Master indicates the need to help eliminate progressively and constantly impediments that arise in the organization and that affect its ability to deliver value, as well as the integrity of this methodology.

The Scrum Master should be responsible for ensuring that Scrum is carried out, transmitting its benefits to the organization, facilitating its implementation.

The Development Team

The development team is usually made up of between 3 to 9 professionals who are responsible for developing the product, self-organizing and self-managing to deliver a software increment at the end of the development cycle.

The development team will create a finished increment from the selected Product Backlog elements (Sprint Backlog) during Sprint Planning.

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