What Are The Procedures For Registering A Company?

Why Do You Need To Register Your Business?

Enrollment is the interaction that permits you really to do your business. These are the authoritative systems that will prompt the introduction of your organization! Solidly, this includes enrollment in the public business register (RNE). Beginning around 2023, this register has incorporated all data from different registers, like the Exchange Index (RM), the Register of Horticultural Resources (RAA), the Exchange and Organizations Register (RSS), and the Exceptional Register of Business Specialists (RSAC).

Is Business Registration Compulsory?

It is an obligatory move toward doing your business. This commitment generally concerns business organizations (SAS, SA, EURL, SARL, and so forth) yet additionally individual organizations and miniature endeavors. It comes after the other business creation techniques (drafting of resolutions, storing of capital, legitimate declaration, and so forth.). These means should be completed prior to enrolling in the organization just in light of the fact that they permit you to get the records essential for your enlistment.

What Are The Preliminary Steps For Registering A Company?

The Choice Of Legal Status

The very first step to starting a business is choosing the proper legal status for your business. You can create:

  • An individual company under the actual regime (EI);
  • A unique business under the micro-enterprise regime (self-employed);
  • A SAS (simplified joint stock company);
  • An EURL (single-member company with limited liability);
  • A SARL (limited liability company);
  • A SASU (simplified single-member joint stock company)…

Other forms of business exist, but these are the most common. Please note: it is only possible to create an EIRL in 2022.

Drafting The Statutes

The statutes of a company determine its organization and operation. They mention:

  • The name or company name ;
  • The social purpose of the company;
  • Lifetime ;
  • The legal form ;
  • The address;
  • Decision-making methods;
  • The rules for the transfer of shares or shares;
  • The distribution of the result…

Deposit Of Share Capital

Your company needs start-up capital to be incorporated. You can form a company with just €1 of share capital! This capital is made up of the contributions of the partners:

  • Contributions in kind;
  • Cash contributions.

As a trade-off for their cooperation in the capital, they get offers or offers (contingent upon the type of the organization), which give them privileges (casting a ballot rights, benefit sharing, and so on.). The offer capital should be stored in an obstructed record with a bank or a legal official.

The last option will provide you with a declaration of store of assets, which you should introduce when you apply for enlistment. The assets are hindered until the organization is wholly enrolled, and they will be delivered after that.

The Publication Of A Legal Announcement Of Incorporation

It might be ideal if you disclosed the formation of your organization by distributing a legitimate notification of joining a lawful notification paper. The paper should be situated in the division of your organization’s administrative center. You can compose the lawful notification yourself utilizing the various models accessible on the WebWeb, giving you regard to the required data.

Also Read: PEC Companies: The Five Advantages For Your Company

Where To Carry Out Business Registration Formalities?

Since January 1, 2023, the all-in-one resource (or electronic business conventions window) has supplanted the business customs focus (CFE). It is presently absurd to expect to enlist your organization by mentioning the skilled CFE, contingent upon the idea of the movement. Before 2023, you needed to go through:

  • URSSAF for liberal professions;
  • The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) for traders;
  • The commercial court registry for commercial agents…

Overseen by the Public Establishment of Licensed Innovation (INPI), the all-in-one resource is focused on all organizations, no matter what their authoritative document or area of movement. The all-inclusive resource permits you to complete all business conventions: creation, adjustment, or discontinuance of movement. He is, in this manner, likewise your contact, assuming you want to change your work locale, add an action, and so forth.

How (Concretely) Do You Register Your Business Online? Five Steps

Step 1. Create An Account On The One-Stop-Shop

  • To make their business on the WebWeb, the business visionary must initially create an “INPI Associate” identifier or distinguish themselves with FranceConnect.

Step 2. Select Your Legal Status

  • Once signed in, pick the “pronounce a business creation convention” segment in the “Business” block. It is then conceivable to tap on “Make an organization.” You will then, at that point, need to pick the authoritative document of your future business.

Step 3. Complete Your Registration Application

  • That’s it. Have you selected the legal status that best suits your activity?
  • It’s perfect! All you have to do is complete your file.
  • The site allows you to complete the corresponding Cerfa forms directly online:
  • the M0 form for creating a company (for example, for registering a SASU );
  • The P0 form for the creation of a sole proprietorship.

Step 4. Submit The Necessary Supporting Documents

Supporting documents are transmitted electronically directly to the one-stop shop website.

Supporting documents for registering a company. The creation of a company requires numerous supporting documents:

  • An original copy of the statutes, dated, signed and initiated;
  • Proof of company domiciliation (electricity bill, lease contract, etc.);
  • A certificate of publication in a legal notices newspaper;
  • The capital deposit certificate ;
  • The declaration of beneficial owners;
  • The manager’s identity document;
  • A sworn declaration of non-conviction and parentage of the manager.
  • Supporting documents for registering a business

There are much fewer supporting documents to provide. You need :

  • A copy of the manager’s identity document;
  • A sworn declaration of non-conviction and filiation;
  • Proof of occupancy of the company’s premises.

Other supporting documents (exceptional cases) Company or business, in both cases, other documents are sometimes necessary:

  • If you carry out a regulated activity, you will need to provide proof authorizing you to carry out this activity (diploma, experience, etc.).
  • If you have made contributions in kind, a report from the contributions commissioner may be required.
  • For eligible managers, this is also when you will need to apply for ACRE.
  • If you create a SARL or EURL, the TNS form (self-employed worker).
  • If you create a SAS or SASU, the list of partners and the shares subscribed.

Step 5. Send Your Business Creation File

You have wrapped up? You should approve your record and sign it. The all-inclusive resource is liable for sending the data and records given to the capable bodies: charge organizations, social associations, business court vaults, INSEE, and so on. You will get a receipt for recording your business creation document (RDDCE) with the words “forthcoming enrollment,” demonstrating that you have sent your application. What is the receipt utilized for? It permits you to begin your movement before your genuine enlistment. For instance, register with a retirement store, take out protection, and so on.

What Happens After Registering A Business?

When the business joining conventions have been finished, you will get a reaction from the organization in something like 15 days to multiple months. In the event that the record is finished, you can give the missing supporting archives online within 15 working days. How do I have any idea about where my enlistment application is? The advancement of your custom can be counseled whenever on the all-in-one resource site from your own space.

In the event that your document is finished, your business is made! You will get a fundamental archive: the Kbis concentrate of your organization. This archive demonstrates its lawful presence. It contains your SIRET/Alarm number. You can then truly begin your movement: setting up a solitary staff register, taking out protection, and so on. Most importantly, you can introduce this archive to the bank or to the public accountant responsible for staying with the assets to deliver the offered capital.

How Much Does It Cost To Register A Business?

To enroll in your organization, you should pay explicit expenses. Here are the enrollment expenses relying upon the case:

  • Enrollment with the RCS for an organization: €37.45.
  • Enrollment with the RCS for an organization: €24.08.
  • RM enrollment: €45.

Then again, in the event that you make a miniature endeavor, you won’t need to pay anything! Enrolling on a miniature undertaking is free. Different expenses might be added: legitimate warning expenses, enrollment costs in the register of applicable proprietors, or backing costs for business creation by an expert.

Also Read: Create A Free Website For Your Company With WordPress

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