Top Sectors That Are Leveraging Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things is a rapidly expanding concept that is adding the label of “smart” to many aspects of everyday life. Indeed, cars, banks, serial manufacturing industries, agro-industries and retail chains, in addition to more than a few cities, have earned this name.

Likewise, core sectors such as health services and power generation are also taking advantage of communication between machines to optimize their processes.

Vodafone: Leading One Which Is Using IoT Better

In this context, Vodafone, through its telecommunications structure, stands out among the companies that promote the incorporation of IoT in more companies and public administrations. Therefore, it is not surprising that it ranks second in Spain, within this category, reaching 2,129,000 connections in 2018.

Considering this, throughout this article, we will review how part of the named sectors introduce Internet of Things solutions to their procedures. Likewise, we will talk about the tools and IoT platforms that Vodafone offers, including success stories in its applications.

Transportation: A Pioneering Sector In Incorporating The Internet Of Things

Certainly, the transport was one of the first sectors to incorporate the Internet of Things, to track the journey of cargo vehicles. Currently, Vodafone Automotive stands out among the IoT solutions for this purpose. In summary, it is a telematics platform for route management and improving the maintenance of the vehicle fleet.

The Internet Of Things In Factories

At this point, it’s fair to mention the scopes of corporations like Cisco, which provides RFID tags and many other Internet of Things systems. Through these, leading companies like Black & Decker do an impeccable follow-up of their tools in the plant. Consequently, they can determine the location, operating status, and maintenance needs of such devices.

IoT In Internet Banking & Finance

The focus of digital transformation must always be on customer satisfaction. Obviously, companies in the banking sector that bet on the Internet of Things are very clear about it.

Hence, the utility of recognition devices such as the beacon, a system that identifies the user who has the bank’s app installed on their mobile and enters a branch. In this case, one of the operators can go ahead to receive the customer and provide personalized attention.

However, payments represent the area in which more progress is registered with the use of IoT. In fact, it is already possible to pay with wearables such as smartwatches and contactless bracelets. Furthermore, payment with biometric devices already has a long way to go.

Internet Of Things: An Ally For Agriculture

Virtually Vodafone’s solutions on the Internet of Things and its connected telecommunication platforms adapt to all production areas. In this sense, the multinational provides the agricultural sector with climate, humidity and soil condition sensors. To make matters worse, it also has devices that detect diseases in plants individually.

At the same time, the data obtained in the field are stored in the cloud and contrasted with satellite images. With all this, the producer and his collaborators can control large areas of crops and quickly attend to any incident at specific points.

Of course, there are still more business areas that benefit from the Internet of Things. Surely, your business belongs to one of them.

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