This New Dead Zone Map Shows You Whether You Live In A Dead Zone

Cell phone coverage can still be expanded. There are still several dead spots in villages and sometimes even cities. This radio hole map from the Federal Network Agency shows you how things are going with mobile communications in your place of residence.

Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone and Telefónica are responsible for cell phone coverage. But we haven’t been able to find out exactly what it looks like based on a corresponding map – until now.

The Federal Network Agency has published a radio hole card with data from the three network operators. We can then read off how good the cellular coverage is in individual streets and addresses. Even the different cellular standards 2G, 3G and 4G can be seen. And 5G should also be added in the future when the setup is complete.

Dead Hole Card: Regulatory Authority Controls The Data

To ensure the highest possible accuracy of the radio hole card, the regulatory authority checks the data on a random basis.

“We are monitoring the development of mobile network coverage and will make the data available to the public regularly in the future,” explains Jochen Homann, President of the Federal Network Agency. The overview is to be updated quarterly – the next time in January 2023.

The Radio Hole Map Shows: 96.5 Percent Of The Area Has 4G

Somewhat surprising is the fact that, according to the map, 96.5 percent of the area is covered by 4G – by at least one network operator. With the slower 3G, it should be 97.3 per cent. And if you add 2G, the radio hole card shows a cellular coverage of 99.7 per cent.

However, this is only in theory an excellent mobile network expansion. Because as a smartphone user, you only ever connect to one of the three networks. The radio hole map now shows you exactly in which areas you have bad cards with your provider.

The Mobile Network Coverage In Hamburg And Co

For example, in the Hamburg area, we can see that the network coverage from the provider Telefónica with LTE is excellent across the board. However, there are a few places where no cellular standard is available. We can do without mobile communications on the Elbe, but Telefónica customers around Tangstedt are unlikely to be satisfied.

If we select Telekom for another example and move to North Rhine-Westphalia on the map, 4G network coverage is weaker in more rural areas. The map also shows that motorways and country roads are better covered than you might sometimes think. After the start, the deadlock card could not be accessed for a few days due to server problems. You can now use the card yourself to check the network coverage in your home or your preferred location.

There are still several dead spots in villages and sometimes even cities. This radio hole map from the Federal Network Agency shows you how things are going with mobile communications in your place of residence. The map also indicates that motorways and country roads are better covered than you might sometimes think. However, this is only in theory an excellent mobile network expansion. Because as a smartphone user, you only ever connect to one of the three networks.

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