New Microsoft Edge Web Browser: Competition For Google Chrome Too

Who would have said that? After the unflattering past of Internet Explorer and the untapped potential of the original version of Microsoft Edge, Microsoft is coming up with a web browser that really deserves attention.

The redesigned Microsoft Edge browser can easily be defined as Microsoft’s Chrome. It uses the Chromium core, so its basis is identical to the popular Google Chrome. Unlike it, however, the Edge is more agile, less memory intensive, and consumes your laptop’s battery more efficiently. And these are the qualities that make the new Edge deserve attention.

Microsoft Edge with Chromium Kernel is not currently pre-installed on Windows 10 and is only available as a trial version. If you are interested, you can download the browser from the official website microsoftedgeinsider . There are three versions available – Canary is updated daily, the Developer Dev version receives updates every week and the Beta version is improved every 6 weeks. We use the beta version in the newsroom as our primary web browser, on multiple computers. And based on real experience, we claim that it is suitable for everyday use.

Who Is The New Edge For?

The new Edge has the potential to reach two groups of users. Those who have used Google Chrome so far, but would like a change for some reason – whether it’s an effort to limit the use of Google services and products or because of computer hardware requirements.

The second group are existing users of the Edge system browser, whose new version offers a better and more modern Internet surfing experience. With the new Edge, you will no longer have problems with poor optimization or not completely correct page views, which may have happened from time to time in the past.

What Features Does It Offer?

So we use the new Microsoft Edge in beta. It offers the necessary basis for comfortable surfing but does not contain all the features that will be available in the final version. Also, some features of the original version of Edge are missing, such as the card swap feature or the built-in link list. It is not known whether these features will be available in the final version of the new Edge or will be permanently removed by Microsoft.

From a practical point of view, however, they will be pleased that the trial versions of Microsoft Edge already enable data synchronization between computers as well as mobile applications for Android and iOS. You can sync passwords or favorites. In trial versions, it also works directly to open a link that you send from the mobile application.

The updated Edge will offer several features that may appeal to a certain group of users. For businesses, compatibility mode will be attractive, allowing you to browse web pages as if you opened them in the old Explorer.

This feature may not be of much use to home users, but many businesses use internal websites or applications designed for Internet Explorer. And because they don’t update them, they only need to have Explorer installed on corporate computers for that purpose. Compatibility mode eliminates this problem.

The Edge also gets a Collection feature. You can store texts, images, or entire web pages related to a specific topic in your collections. You can then export the collections to Excel or Word. You can use the export to Excel if you store links to your favorite products in various online stores in the collection. They are exported to Excel with information about the price, rating, and a direct link to the product.

Microsoft is also improving user privacy with the new Edge. There will be advanced settings that allow you to customize how much the browser should block objects that can monitor your Internet activity.

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