Scrum Methodology: Learn How To Use It In Your Company

The Scrum methodology is a great option for carrying out complex organizational projects. Supported by agile methods, it aims to reduce product delivery time and adapt to changes more easily throughout the production stages.

If you’ve never used this way of working, don’t worry: it may seem difficult at first, but the methodology is relatively simple to apply as long as you understand how to use it to your advantage in the company. To make it easier, in this article, we’ll talk more about how important it is for your business and how to use it. Follow!

What Is Scrum Methodology?

It is a method that was initially used to organize, plan and manage projects related to software creation. However, it is currently possible to find teams that apply the strategy in various projects. Using the Scrum methodology, you and your team will support all the participants’ actions, guiding their work, daily activities, and the execution of tasks in a productive way.

The fact is that activities are divided into sprints, that is, into specific steps that relate to the set of actions that need to be performed. It is a work method carried out from smaller cycles of activities within a project.

Each cycle is designed in advance, consisting of a predetermined period in which the team must perform tasks. The Scrum methodology makes it possible to enhance group work and monitor the evolution of the product, always aiming at production quality and compliance with the stipulated deadlines.

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What Are The Advantages Of Using It?

The scrum methodology brings the main benefits that are part of successful companies. Check out what they are below!

Reduces Risks

The focus of this methodology on quality causes a dramatic decrease in the number of bugs in software made under this management. It is possible to detect problems early because activities are subdivided into smaller work periods. This makes it easier to make the necessary corrections quickly, reducing project risks, avoiding rework, and reducing costs.

Value Of The Customer

The fact is that the objective of companies, when using software installed on employees ‘ machines or servers, is to look for solutions that can solve their problems and make them more productive and competitive.

This way, it can generate more value for customers to remain solid in the market. SCRUM focuses on the most relevant elements of the project, that is, the features that increase the value delivered to consumers. The tasks performed in the organization during sprints are intended to optimize the perception of the services offered and increase loyalty.

Product development is offered to the customer at each iteration of Scrum (sprint). All projects must deliver value. However, it is important to note that you will only be able to offer some things the customer wants, especially when you take into account the deadline he requested and his budget.

However, forming and prioritizing a Product Backlog means that demands for greater customer value are met first, which will be delivered in parts at each iteration.

A stakeholder approach, like Scrum’s, and an emphasis on business value ensure a structure focused on the customer and not the software. Always remember that contractors want something other than your software but the value generated by it.

Improves Team Productivity

Something amazing happens when teams start working through sprints and releases. They move from waiting for important milestones to celebrating each dead sprint, which rewards their efforts throughout the project and not just at the end of it.

This, as well as eliminating waste of time and company resources, increases productivity, achieving more expressive results.

How To Use The Scrum Methodology In Your Company?

To start using Scrum in your company, you need to start with four important steps:

Assemble a team the first step in using the Scrum methodology is to assemble a multidisciplinary team that performs all stages of product development. That’s when you need to delegate the central roles of Scrum — Product Owner and Scrum Master — and the other professionals who will participate in the team. It is important to emphasize that the Scrum Master must have a broad understanding of the methodology.

Create A Backlog

After assembling the team, it’s time to start planning in the Product Backlog, determining the product’s features, and, later, establishing the order of priority in the list. It is essential to point out that, as new needs appear, the Product Backlog can be modified throughout the process, and the Product Owner must carry out these changes.

Plan And Start Sprints

Soon after, carrying out the planning of work sprints is essential. What activities will be carried out in each cycle, and who will be responsible for them? How long will they last, considering that they must follow a pattern? These questions are essential to continue the process.

Visually Organize The Process

This practice helps monitor the progress, making it possible to check the status of each task. For this, it is recommended to use Kanban, an agile methodology that classifies tasks into three phases: what needs to be done, what is running, and what has already been completed.

Finally, adopting the Scrum methodology in your company can be very useful to streamline the routine, provide efficiency and quality to the projects, simplify the diagnosis of problems and provide means for the team to solve them as soon as possible. It’s a great way to improve results and still reduce costs.

Also Read: What Is The Scrum Methodology?

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