How To Transition Into Cybersecurity

The cybersecurity professions are diversified, but all pursue the same objective: to protect the data of companies, local authorities and other administrations from computer attacks. Why choose the field of cybersecurity more than another for professional retraining? What skills are required to work in IT security? Are there introductory training courses? We tell you everything you need to know to convert to this booming sector.

Why Convert To Cybersecurity?

Several arguments should help you make your decision in case you are hesitant to start a new career in cybersecurity:

  • The cybersecurity industry is facing a talent shortage. Opportunities are, therefore, legion, including for candidates with atypical profiles. This is all the more true in a context where cyberattacks are increasingly numerous and virulent and target companies of all sizes and sectors of activity.
  • Suppose the field of IT is renowned for offering attractive salaries. In that case, this is even more the case for the cybersecurity sector, which often allows you to earn a salary of more than 45/K€ per year at the start of your career. The discrepancy between the number of vacancies and the number of qualified candidates is one of the main reasons for these good remunerations.
  • With remarkably varied missions and technical skills that must be regularly renewed throughout technological developments, cybersecurity professions will appeal to those who like to learn every day and evolve in a universe where routine is non-existent.

The Skills Required For Successful Retraining In Cybersecurity

Cyber Security jobs may require more or less advanced technical skills in computer science, but not only:

  • knowledge of computer programming (proficiency in computer languages ​​such as C++, PHP, JavaScript)
  • Knowledge of how internal or external networks work
  • Mastery of the central operating systems ( Linux, Windows, Mac OS)
  • Legal knowledge related to the protection and security of personal data ( GDPR )
  • Proficiency in technical English.

However, companies know that technical skills are not enough to assess a candidate’s full potential. Soft skills are also considered in the recruitment process, and employers in need of cybersecurity experts are looking for candidates with great curiosity, good adaptability, a logical mind and a constant desire to learn. Continuing education will often be the solution for developing new skills to improve one’s efficiency at work or to evolve professionally. Far from the cliché of the hooded asocial geek conveyed by popular culture, the cybersecurity expert must more than ever know how to work in a team and communicate regularly with his collaborators and hierarchical superiors. A good sense of pedagogy will be essential to share its actions and results or propose training and awareness-raising actions on computer risks without drowning its interlocutors in a mass of technical information.

What Training To Convert To Cybersecurity?

If there is indeed a shortage of talent in the field of cybersecurity, it mainly concerns the most experienced profiles. Therefore, we generally advise candidates for retraining and young people in initial training to aim for at least a bac+3 or even a bac+5 if they wish to respond as closely as possible to the expectations of recruiters. At the same time, the sector tends to become more democratic, and some employers will not hesitate to hire candidates with fewer qualifications. To avoid any error in the course, it is recommended to be well-informed about the different IT security professions and to take the time to consult the current job offers to get an idea of ​​the level of education required to access the position sought.

As far as possible, favor courses offering periods of professional immersion, whether this involves one or more internships in a company or work-study training. Distance learning can be an excellent compromise to study at your own pace while continuing to work on the side. A minimum of mastery of digital tools will be required to follow e-learning training in good conditions, but if you plan to convert to IT, we are not too worried about you on this side!

Some training that can lead to a new career in cybersecurity:

  • The BTS SIO (Computer Services to Organizations) bac +2
  • The BTS SN (Digital Systems – IT and Network Option) bac +2
  • A specialized license in computer science (bac +3)
  • A Bachelor’s degree in IT, systems and networks (bac +3)
  • A Master’s degree in Computer Science (bac +5)
  • A computer engineering school with a specialization in cybersecurity (bac +5).

What Are The Careers In Cybersecurity?

In France, cybersecurity professionals are grouped into four main categories of professions according to ANSSI (National Agency for the Security of Information Systems):

  • Security management and management of security projects
  • Design and maintenance of a secure information system
  • Security incident and crisis management
  • Advice, services and research.

Some of the most in-demand careers in cybersecurity include:

  • The cybersecurity expert
  • Cyber security engineer
  • The cybersecurity administrator
  • The cybersecurity consultant
  • The cybersecurity architect
  • Cybersecurity project manager
  • System and network administrator.

What Salary Is In The Cybersecurity Sector?

Cybersecurity professionals are pretty well off when it comes to compensation. Although salaries vary significantly from one profession (or profile) to another, junior profiles often earn more than €30,000 per month. According to a study by ANSSI, more than half of professionals in the sector receive an annual salary of between 35,000 and 65,000 euros. If they remain in the minority, the most qualified and experienced profiles can claim a salary of around 100,000 euros gross per year.

What Evolution In The Field Of Computer Security?

There are many development prospects for IT security professionals, whether to be able to deal with cybercrime, which continues to intensify over the years or to respond to the opportunities offered by the Cloud, 5G, objects connected, or autonomous cars. Like any other business sector, you will have to prove yourself in the field and inspire your employees’ confidence before you can move up the ladder. In any case, continuing training throughout your career is advisable when working in this constantly evolving sector.

How Can You Finance Your Retraining In Cybersecurity?

If you are considering changing jobs to retrain in cybersecurity, it is because you have indeed accumulated training rights over the past few years through your Personal Training Account (CPF). The MonCompteFormation platform allows you to consult the number of your rights to see if you can wholly or at least partially finance your cybersecurity training, provided that it is eligible for the CPF. Rest assured, this is the case for many IT courses since eligibility for the Personal Training Account concerns any diploma, qualifying, or certifying training registered in the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications): BTS, professional title, Bachelor, etc. If there are insufficient rights, Pôle Emploi or your employer can top up your CPF depending on your professional situation. If you are a job seeker, you can sometimes claim financial aid from the region depending on the relevance of your professional project and the recruitment difficulties encountered in your geographical area.

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