How To Evaluate A CV Without An HR Manager

The business is going well; the company needs to grow, but you don’t have a recruiting office yet. It’s up to you to select the applications. And so it was time to hire someone. Business is good, and it’s time to build a real work team. You have placed job advertisements for the professional profiles you seek, and the first applications are also arriving. So it’s also time to evaluate a CV, but you don’t have a human resources manager. And you also have to improvise a bit as an HR manager.

How Do You Evaluate A CV Without An HR Manager?

Human resources is a technical and complex job, but it is inevitable that in the start-up phase of a company, or when the size is still too small to have an actual HR office, you have to do everything yourself. And when it comes to selecting a new collaborator and hiring him, you have to be very careful. There are many technical and specific aspects to evaluate, depending on the task to be fulfilled and the tasks to be carried out. But other aspects of the so-called soft skills can make the difference between one candidate and another.

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Read The CV To Get A Clear Idea Immediately

When several, many, or very many CVs arrive to be evaluated, the first thing to do is a preventive screening. That is, read the CV to immediately get a clear idea of who to discard. In this first phase, it is necessary to work with a checklist of mandatory points, without which the candidate is not a candidate.

Everyone must deal with the needs of their company. The relevant information depends on these: if you need a plug-and-play or already expert figure, you can also ignore the training and look at the relevant or most recent professional experiences; if, on the other hand, you are looking for a junior figure with growth prospects, then the course of study can become discriminating.

The best thing is to write on a sheet of paper the points that simply cannot be missed, or perhaps organize everything in an Excel file to fill in with crosses, and after this first phase, discard all the candidates who do not satisfy all the required requirements.

Hard Skills And Technical Skills

After the first screening, we move on to analyzing specific technical skills or complex skills. It seems absurd, but nothing should be taken for granted: according to research in the HR and recruiting sectors, 10% of candidates declare false qualifications, 25% list qualifications companies, and 32% change hiring or employment dates and years of experience. Double-checking with some online research, for example, on social profiles, is always a good idea. And when in doubt, make sure to explore those points during the interview carefully.

Soft Skills

But work teams do not live on specific technical skills, qualifications, and certifications alone, and in addition to the right profile, we must also look for the right person. And this is why we must then pay attention to the so-called soft skills. Again, according to surveys by recruiting agencies, 75% of candidates tend to enter untruthful information, qualities, or personal characteristics based only on what they assume will catch the selector’s attention.

Everyone now writes about the ability to work in a team, manage stress, or be proactive. How do I evaluate this information? Indeed, during the interview phase, but also by sifting through the so-called extra-curricular experiences: being part of a sports association or not, volunteering or not,

The First Impression Is The One That Counts

Once the first screening has been done and the hard and soft skills have been evaluated, there will always be a large bundle of CVs and candidates. At this point, drawing from the deck is not easy. And here, we enter the elusive dimension of personal sensations. However, some lights can come on while CVs are being read.

A friendly, linear, motivated, but not emphatic, cover letter can make it clear if it is a severe application rather than a simple CV sent just to give it a try. Even the graphic care with which the CV is put together, the clear exposition of the points, a certain coherence in the path and the information provided, and the absence of typing errors can denote attention and interest.

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