One of the tools that guarantee a good digital presence, the blog has become the new hobbyhorse for many professionals and companies looking to optimize their customer relationships.
How to optimize the ROI (return on investment) on blogs without having to spend all your time there? The answer: automated marketing. A tool designed to make it easier for bloggers and to speed up the processing of customer inquiries.
Indeed, a study conducted by VentureBeat has shown that automated marketing increases the number of leads by 80%, with a conversion rate of 77%. So, how do you put in place this seemingly magical tool to boost your blog and improve your turnover?
“Marketing automation”, behind this English name, hides a powerful engine that applies wonderfully to blogs’ management. Simply put, it is about automating the various marketing actions of a blog. Each action is executed automatically when one or more conditions are met, conditions related to the user’s behaviour when browsing the blog.
To be even more explicit, marketing automation involves imagining different scenarios to predict the appropriate responses. A welcome email sent after registration, a personalized message sent after opening a sales tab, etc.
In general, automated marketing makes it possible to:
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Doing automated marketing on a blog requires the use of some software that will systematize the various actions included in marketing strategies: products to promote, services to highlight, temporary offers, etc.
No need to kid ourselves: setting up automated marketing, which considers all these actions and user behaviours, requires a time investment. Marketing automation is a time-consuming tool to set up, but once established, it will allow you to send the right message to the right customer at the right time, to follow the evolution of your users’ behaviour to adjust your procedures, to generate leads convertible into customers, etc.
In other words, marketing automation allows you to generate more revenue while allowing you to maintain an uninterrupted connection with your customers.
Automating the marketing of a blog goes through 4 stages because this action requires a good configuration for a smooth and efficient operation.
Each marketing strategy always comes with a well-defined objective. And even if it means investing time and resources in marketing automation, you might as well keep the goal in mind so as not to be discouraged. Do you want to retain visitors? Do you want to generate more leads with a good conversion rate to customers? Do you want to personalize the content of your correspondence further? Etc.
In marketing jargon, we talk about Workflow, the action plan that will guide your steps. Define the right moment, and the sales funnel, choose the most effective techniques, answer the questions: What content? For who? When? At what moment? In what way?
Since we are immersed in digital marketing, we might also talk about avatars instead of the target. However, the concept remains similar: you have to define the profile of your customers. Thanks to certain extensions and software like Google Analytics, it is possible to collect information such as user connection preferences, media use (computer, phone, tablet, etc.), and social networks. To which they are affiliated.
However, this data will never be sufficient to build a profile of customers. Hence the importance of forms and questions asked to visitors. Be aware, however, that they will be reluctant to provide information about them. This is why you can add games, bonuses to be won, free ebooks.
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The segmentation phase consists of grouping your customers based on a few criteria that you will define yourself according to their relevance and the offer you offer. This allows you upstream to offer content suited to the profile and downstream to convert more prospects into customers. Age segmentation is relevant to prevent a young person in their twenties from receiving advice on how to cope better with menopause.
It is also possible to segment your database based on the purchasing behaviour of visitors. This will allow you to personalize the content of emails or messages depending on whether the user has already purchased a product, just clicked on its link, is interested in similar products, etc.
In short, he chooses the right segmentation criteria taking into account the type of offers/products or services you offer. This approach will further arouse users who are already solicited from everywhere and who will pay more attention to content that concerns them directly.
If you choose to automate the marketing of your blog, it is to save time in supporting your visitors and generate more income. You have no doubt noticed that the automation process takes time. This is why you should analyze the action (s) to bring you the most rewarding and focus on them to get started.
Automating all the marketing actions of a blog is still a time-consuming activity to begin with. Still, by choosing a particular action, you increase your chances of increasing your ROI. If you discover that the results are not satisfactory over time, review your goals, refine your segmentation criteria, and ultimately, turn to another action to automate.
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