E-Learning In Knowledge Organizations

Knowledge as a resource is of outstanding importance for clinics. In particular, technical know-how must be incorporated into the organization immediately. But organizational expertise is also essential for the smooth running of hospital operations: from data protection and retention periods to invoicing.

Lifelong learning is, therefore, part of the day-to-day work of hospital staff. In the case of compulsory training, in particular, it is often necessary to train many employees simultaneously. Even before the outbreak of the corona pandemic and the resulting requirements for social distancing, it was only possible with considerable effort to pass on the necessary knowledge within a short time; today, such mass events have become unthinkable.

Communicate Knowledge Optimally

How can you best process new knowledge? Are you more of an “owl” and therefore particularly receptive in the late evening hours? Or are you one of the “larches” that perform at their best at dawn? And – apart from your biorhythm: do you belong to the auditory or the visual learner types? One thing is sure: everyone learns differently. And the closer the learning environment comes to individual preferences and inclinations, the greater the learning success.

This is precisely where e-learning courses come in: they make the knowledge available regardless of time, location or device so that you can consume it exactly where it is best for you: at home, in the hospital, or on the way there.

Compulsory Training: E-Learning With Proof

Clinics benefit from e-learning concepts, especially when it comes to compulsory training: With a modern learning management system, or LMS for short, all employees to be trained can be invited at the push of a button. The learners then have access to their learning world via a link or log in.

There, the knowledge content can be processed in one piece orbits. Control questions ensure the transfer of knowledge. And those responsible for further training receive a notification as soon as an employee has completed the learning unit. If there are delays, defaulting employees can also be reminded again at the push of a button.

In addition to the individual transfer of knowledge, the organization benefits in particular: less administrative effort, maximum transparency, and 100 percent traceability in a control event. And the need for documentation is also reduced: the subject, content, and training period are recorded fully automatically by the LMS.

Establish E-Learning In Your Clinic Organization

Especially after the pandemic experiences, e-learning will continue to establish itself across industries – even if face-to-face events are possible again. After all, this saves travel and accommodation costs and makes it easy for international experts to be involved. You, too, can now set the course for a sustainable transfer of knowledge in your hospital! In the whitepaper: “E-learning as a central component of clinical knowledge organization,” you get the tools you need for further digital training. You will get to know the various forms of e-learning and their implementation in the hospital context and become familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of this form of learning. You will also find out.

Also Read: CSM Training – What Are Its Benefits?

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