Digital Workplace Through Secure Integration Of The Cloud

In a world that is becoming increasingly digitised, the office cannot simply stand still in time. Integrating the cloud, which is installed and maintained by experts, frees up crowded tables and thus creates a more pleasant overview for everyone in the team.

Digital Workplace: “It’s Not My Place (In The 9 To 5 World)”. The Ramones sang it back in 1981, and it’s more valid today than ever. Since the millennial generation entered the workforce, the topic of work-life balance has been hotly debated.

More Than A Vision: Digital Workplace

In Austria, for example, there has been a 12-hour day and a 60-hour week since 2019, allegedly to give employees more flexibility in their professional lives. Many companies already accept that one does not necessarily want to or can not sit in the office from 9 a.m. to 5 a.m. every day. That’s why you can find more and more advertisements on job portals that lure with flexible working hours. In many of these job advertisements, it is assumed that the modern world needs modern working hours.

Simple Data Exchange And Transparency

It then turns out that this only means you can choose when you want to show up at the office between eight and ten o’clock. After the pandemic here and now, it will become clear whether companies want to continue to enable the home office or whether the old routine will return. Managers will become impatient and nervous again if they are not constantly informed about times and activities. The unforeseen can also happen. Sometimes you have to make an external appointment, or the children want to be picked up from school.

With the cloud integrated with a company’s IT network – you create security for the company and freedom for the employees. With one click, you can indicate when you work and take a short break to get something done. The simple exchange of data via cloud services and the associated transparency provides a solid basis for the digital workplace. Not only the team benefits from a migration to the cloud. By modernising the applications and working environment, companies will remain competitive in the future and at the top of their respective industries.

With Trust And Transparency In The Cloud

People often tend to shy away from change or stick to the tried and tested. Still, we simply cannot avoid digitization, and anyone who wants to benefit from it doesn’t have it difficult at all because modern cloud services can put companies in the digital fast lane.

All employees have access to the necessary tools and can thus create more freedom concerning the digital workplace design. By automating routine tasks, time can be saved here that could be used more sensibly elsewhere. From one-person companies to corporations, modern cloud solutions offer possibilities and solutions that can be flexibly adapted and ensure that both employees and customers can use their time more efficiently—no more searching for presentations stored on any computer or USB sticks you take with you.

And to the essential question of whether the digital workplace is an advantage for the team: yes, because digital work means more straightforward, guaranteed sustainable and thoughtful work.

Also Read: Cloud Security: Corona Crisis Accelerates Digitization And Shows Security Gaps

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