Data Security In The Home Office: This Is How The Workplace Is Protected

At the workplace in the company, the employer usually ensures the appropriate data security. But now the topic also plays an essential role in the home office.

In some cases, however, employees also need to take more personal responsibility. The work takes place on your PC or laptop, and the employer does not provide the appropriate equipment.

The following tips can be of great help for data security in the home office.

Tip 1: Set Up Two-factor Authentication

With two-factor authentication, your account is not only secured by entering the user name or email address and the associated password but also by an additional query. This can differ depending on the provider.

This system is already known, especially in online banking, in which, for example, a code is transmitted via SMS to the smartphone for the complete login into the application or for the execution of a transfer, which must be entered in a corresponding field of a mask so that the desired Transaction is carried out.

What few people know: Even common applications such as Facebook or cloud services such as your own Dropbox can be protected against unauthorized access from outside in this way.

Even if the input is sometimes annoying: Especially if several users use a computer, this can massively increase your data security to prevent unintentional access.

Tip 2: Use A VPN Client

In the course of data security, VPN is mentioned again and again. This is the abbreviation for “Virtual Private Network.” What is meant is an encrypted and therefore secure connection between computers via the Internet.

The areas of application of VPN are incredibly diverse. The most important advantages include:

  • Protection against hacker attacks when working with confidential data
  • The anonymity when surfing the Internet
  • The prevention of data collection by specialized companies
  • Access to content blocked in the respective country (keyword: streaming services)
  • Cheaper online shopping by bypassing dynamic pricing

In connection with data security in the home office, the first point is incredibly crucial. To be able to use VPN in the home office, a corresponding client is required. To know more about VPN and today’s top providers, kindly check this review portal

Tip 3: Regularly Install Updates For Operating Systems and User Software

Most operating systems are now well protected against attacks. This is mainly because the companies employ specialists in their ranks who are very familiar with the current threats and quickly take appropriate countermeasures if there is news. However, these only take effect on your computer if the corresponding updates are regularly installed.

This affects not only the operating system itself but also the applications installed on the computer. Hackers are continually working to identify the security gaps in various programs such as Microsoft Office and to use them accordingly to their advantage.

The main danger here is that confidential and business-critical data could end up in third parties’ hands. Therefore, the recommended updates should also be carried out regularly here.

Tip 4: Use The Latest Security Software

Most operating systems are now well protected against the attacks. But it should not be forgotten: According to IT experts, around 350,000 new variants of computer viruses are created worldwide every day. For this reason, anyone who also uses their computer or laptop for professional purposes is well advised to provide additional protection to protect themselves from malware and other threats.

The basis for this is provided by appropriate anti-virus software. The best-known products on the market include:

  • Total AV
  • Norton
  • McAfee
  • Scanguard
  • Kaspersky
  • Avira
  • PC Protect

Almost all providers grant interested parties a free test period to be able to convince themselves sufficiently of the software’s actual advantages. Subsequently, the monthly costs are, in most cases, around 20 to 60 euros per year, depending on the scope of services.

In addition to their actual function, the constant protection against the virus threat, the programs often also have the option of backing up your data. This function should be used regularly, especially when working in the home office, so that no valuable data is lost in a computer crash or a virus attack.

Tip 5: Inform Yourself Regularly About The Topic of Data Security

Data security is a very active topic. In our digitized world, new technical possibilities arise almost every day. However, there is always the risk of security leaks, through which resourceful hackers can quickly gain their advantage.

Home PCs, laptops, and smartphones also offer plenty of attack surfaces such as cameras or microphones. Just because the light on the webcam is not lit does not mean that someone has not gained access to their living room and perhaps even overheard confidential phone calls via the microphone.

That is why it is essential and crucial to keep yourself up-to-date on this topic. The Federal Office for Information Security website is a good and, above all, reputable information source. In addition to extensive information on data security, there is also the opportunity to undertake appropriate training courses and thus continuously update one’s knowledge.

Also Read: Seven Mistakes Your Company Makes Regarding Data Security

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