Artificial Intelligence Lacks Practical Implementation

Many companies are considering using artificial intelligence. In practice, however, so far …

The topic of AI has reached people’s minds, and is one of the most important results of the study. For example, 83 per cent of those surveyed said that technology is a decisive competitive factor from their point of view. It plays an indispensable role in product innovations for 64 per cent. Accordingly, almost half will have the topic of artificial intelligence high on the agenda for the next three years.

However, there is often a lack of practical experience: Although every fifth company surveyed has already implemented chatbot projects, many other AI applications are only in the planning phase. The respondents recognize that AI technologies allow new processes and offer in marketing, sales and service. For example, 85 per cent agree that AI processes in digital marketing reduce wastage and thus save costs.

At 54 per cent, most respondents can imagine using AI-based recommendations to develop a new product or service – 32 per cent have already implemented it or are in the middle of planning. Intelligent lead scoring, which predicts the conversion rate for each customer, is considered a good idea by 56 per cent – but only 26 per cent of those surveyed are in the process of implementing or planning.

Consumers See AI Positively

What companies can imagine and what consumers would use are also not always the same. For its AI study, Adesso asked those responsible for evaluating specific use cases from the perspective of their industry: Do you think about a similar AI solution? Is such a solution interesting for your customers? Eighty-four per cent of decision-makers in the healthcare sector are convinced that consumers would use AI-supported health programs. However, at 38 per cent, they are far more cautious.

Seventy-six per cent of decision-makers in the financial sector assume that bank customers will entrust their investments to an AI application. But only 30 per cent would use such a system. Eighty percent of insurance experts can imagine a purely virtual insurance offer without people and instead with AI for their customers. They are more reserved at 46 per cent. In general, the mood among consumers is good: 83 per cent are convinced that AI and robots will take on many annoying tasks in the future and make life easier. Sixty-one per cent believe that AI will bring them benefits.

It Doesn’t Work Without AI Expertise

The decisive factor in successfully implementing AI projects are qualified employees. However, in companies, there is often a lack of AI skills, as the executives surveyed are aware of. More than half of the respondents want to make their employees fit for the topic of AI. Forty-four per cent are in the process of hiring appropriately qualified experts.

“The company decision-makers have recognized that AI technologies determine the success of a company in an increasingly tough competitive environment. Most of the companies surveyed have the topic on their schedule, the starting position is good: Consumers have a positive view of artificial intelligence. However, companies have to ask themselves when and where AI technology makes sense. There is no such thing as one AI. Every company has different goals, different framework conditions and needs a system that is tailored to its application,”

“Building such a system is an exhilarating task. The step from planning to the actual AI project is not without it. There is a lack of experience and blueprints. AI solutions place completely new demands on the project structure and the specialist knowledge of those involved”.

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