8 Tips For Throwing The Best Esports Viewing Party Ever

Viewing parties are incredibly popular. Nowadays, many TV fans get together to watch the latest episode of their favorite show. However, viewing parties can also be savored by video game lovers. Esports tournaments provide the perfect source of entertainment for social circles who’ve come together because of a shared passion for gaming. First time throwing an esports viewing party? Read on for some tips on how to throw a memorable event.

1. Create a Cocktail Menu Inspired by Your Favorite Games

Unless everyone attending your party is teetotal, a drinks menu is a must. While everyday cocktails and a case of beer might suffice, why not have some fun and create a tailored drinks menu instead? You can create your own cocktail recipes inspired by your favorite games. Alternatively, why not try and recreate famous drinks enjoyed by video game characters? Think about mixing up a Nuka-Cola from the Fallout series. Failing that, whip up a Cosmo Canyon from Final Fantasy 7 instead.

2. Make it a Potluck

Have you left it too late in the day to put together appetizers for your guests? Rather than head out and spend a small fortune on store-bought snacks, make your viewing party a potluck instead.

3. Hire an Arcade Machine or Two

Even the most packed esports tournament schedules will leave you with some downtime in between matches. Chances are, you and your guests will want to discuss the action while your favorite teams catch a brief. However, you might also want to lay out some entertainment for your party attendees. Think about setting up a console station so your guests can enjoy some gaming action themselves. If you have some money to spare, why not rent out a retro arcade machine?

4. Make Things Interesting with a Drinking Game

Drinking games are a great way to make viewing parties more interesting. They’re also just the ticket if some of your guests don’t yet know each other and you’re looking for an easy way to break the ice. Watching a League of Legends match? Take a drink at first blood or when a player unleashes their go-to catchphrase.

5. Spice Things Up with Party Bets

The esports betting sector is booming. However, you don’t need an online bookmaker to enjoy a wager on the outcome of an esports event. Party bets are a great way of making your viewing party more interesting. Keep things simple with prop bets or liven things up with more in-game betting.

6. Make it a Costume Party

The cosplay industry is big business. In 2022, it’s estimated that around $4.5 billion was spent on cosplay garments and accessories. If you’re inviting a big group of video game enthusiasts to a viewing party, there’s a good chance a few of them will be cosplayers. Think of making your party a costume-optional one to brighten things up.

7. Make it a Virtual Event

If your gaming collective is an online-only group, you’re a little limited when it comes to hosting viewing parties. However, just because your gaming friends can’t attend in person, doesn’t mean you can’t get together to watch the action unfold. Make your party a virtual event. You can even throw in virtual trivia competitions, costume contests, and more.

8. Put Together Tournament Primers

If you’re getting together to watch a major event like the League of Legends World Championship, you don’t want your guests to enter into things blindly. Not everyone will have had the chance to brush up on everything that’s happened at the Mid-Season Invitational or international tournaments. Before hosting your party, prepare primers and round-ups for your attendees. You can create these yourself or simply put together a reading list. Find the LCK schedule Spring 2023 here to get started.

Also Read: The Reality Of The Virtual Metaverse World

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