5 Tech-tips To Protect Your Smart Home From Hackers

By 2020 there will be around 45 million smart homes in the US alone, according to one report, 28 percent of all homes will have smart homes next year. As this strange phenomenon increases, so do security and privacy concerns.

You can prevent and monitor best home security companies for you in your practical and interactive home environment. However, if the device can be connected to the Internet, it can be easily accessed by cyberattacks. Like any computer or website, devices connected to the home security system, such as home routers and surveillance cameras, are small or insecure. It becomes vulnerable to malware. Here are some steps you can take to protect your home wise.

1. Secure Your Wi-Fi Network. First, give your router a name. Do not hide offers from the manufacturer as they may reveal the manufacturer’s product or model. Instead, choose an anonymous network name or personal identifier, for example street address. Consider making your network invisible as well. This option can be found in the setup menu of your router. Also, you should avoid using common words for your password. Use a complex combination of letters, numbers and symbols for all your accounts.

2. Use the Latest Encryption Method. It is also important to use a strong encryption method for your network; B. Wi-Fi 2 or WPA2 Protected Access. This is the improved version of its successor, WPA. It is recommended to start using WPA2 now, as it is better to protect your network from unauthorized access. WPA3 is here, but this next-generation security protocol has yet to be adopted by the entire home automation ecosystem. After this tour is complete and all your smart home devices are WPA3 compliant, you can disable WPA2 connectivity to further strengthen your network defenses.

3. Create Multiple Wi-Fi Networks. Many routers allow you to create multiple networks. It is highly recommended that you create a second network specific for your home security system devices. If criminals hack your device, they are limited to that network, which separates you from the place where you store sensitive information or do your banking. You can also keep your Wi-Fi account private by setting up a guest network. In this way, the smartphone or computer will not recognize or access your other devices.

4. Change Default Usernames and Passwords. While tapping on the Home Security System app on your smartphone or tablet, make sure you don’t continue with the default account created for you. Standard usernames and passwords are common in some WiFi routers to keep your smart home active. One of the first things cybercriminals look for is a list of predefined accounts, as they do half of their work for them. Make sure to change it if you configure your system. Also, some devices have default privacy and security settings. Also, consider changing it.

If you need help creating a strong password, you can use a random online password generator to create a strong password for yourself. In this way, you can increase the strength of your passwords and the overall security of your account.

5. Enable Two-factor Authentication (2FA). Most smart home devices don’t have this feature yet. However, Google Nest plans to add two-factor authentication this year, for example. Ring and Arlo plan the same thing. When 2FA is available in your smart home security system, activation provides another layer of protection. It’s like a second password when a hacker can get through the system username and password. The cyber intruder can enter the correct login details. However, there is no access without a unique code, which is usually sent to you via email or text message. The best part is that you will also be notified if there is any suspicious activity. This way, you can change your account details immediately.

Exciting new widgets that make your home smarter and more efficient haven provide new entry points for cyber-attacks. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to protect smart devices in your home. By following these steps to keep your home safe from hackers, you can take advantage of the full potential of smart home and device security on offer.

Also Read: Smart Home Devices: “Most Of Them Don’t Know The Risks”

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