HomeSMART VAULTDIGITAL MARKETING5 Elements Of An Effective Event Registration Landing Page

5 Elements Of An Effective Event Registration Landing Page

A landing page encourages a visitor on your website to perform a specific task. For instance, a website visitor may share a name and email address in exchange for a valuable guide. With an event registration page, that task is getting visitors to take action by registering or buying a ticket.

In this article, we’ll explore the five areas of an event registration landing page that you want to focus on to help attendees sign up for your event.

1. Name of the event

The event name is one of the first things that potential attendees will see when they arrive on your page. In plain English, the event name is meant to let someone know what your event is about. It is also a chance to pique interest, so they keep browsing the page.

For example, let’s say you organize an art class where attendees can relax and enjoy a beverage while painting. How would one of your attendees describe your class? What are the specific words they use? Take 3 minutes to jot down ideas on a sheet of paper. Then use those notes to write up a couple of event names.

Something like “art class” can become “paint and sip class: a beautiful beach sunset.” Those meaningful details help your attendee connect with your event.

In Chip and Dan Heath’s book Switch, they talk about the idea of a destination postcard: “…a vivid picture from the near-term future that shows what could be possible.” Your event name serves as a destination postcard, so attendees have an idea of what to expect.

2. Call to action to register for the event

Remember that your page is meant to encourage someone to register for your event. You can make this easy to do by following these recommendations:

  • Add tickets or registration options near the top of the page, so they are easily visible.
  • The registration options should be simple to understand.

Between the top of the page and above the fold (before someone has to scroll) is vital for making it easy for attendees to start a registration. The placement is also critical because a visitor can start a registration from a computer or a mobile phone with a much smaller screen.

Think back for a moment to the thought exercise that you did earlier. Refer to your notes and use words that your audience would use to describe your registration option. For instance, “register for painting class” would be a good fit for our earlier example.

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3. Description of the event

The description is an opportunity to paint a vivid picture to build excitement around your event. Here are some questions to jump start creating your event description:

  • Who is this event for?
  • Why should someone attend?
  • What is the outcome or result from attending this event?

Details are the antidote to vagueness. Be specific and remember to write from the point of view of one of your attendees. That means writing in a way that relates to your audience without confusing them with jargon.

A well-written description is a good start. Here are some other ways to make the event description stand out:

  • Add media like photos or short videos.
  • Include a testimonial or review from a prior attendee that loved your event.
  • Add a short bio about the instructors or staff that help with your event.

Investing in a compelling event description can be the difference between a successful event that sells out and one that doesn’t.

4. Date and time of the event

When an event takes place is a critical piece of information. Keep in mind that when someone registers for an event, they commit to a specific date and time. First, double-check that the date and time are correct. Second, format it in a way that your audience will instantly understand.

For instance, let’s say an event takes place on December 10 from 7 pm to 10 pm in New York City in the United States. Here are some ways that the date and time could be formatted:

  • 12/10/2021 from 7 pm — 10 pm
  • December 10, 2021, from 7 pm — 10 pm

Both formats above are understandable. However, the second is likely more digestible because it has the month name written out. If the event was hosted in another country like Australia, then the date and time would be notated differently.

If in doubt, consider the perspective of your attendees and format accordingly.

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5. Event location

The location of an event lets an attendee know where to show up. If this is an in-person event like a class or workshop, then it’s a physical location like a venue.

The address should be visible. If possible, include a map so an attendee can check it ahead of time.

An event registration tool can also help with virtual events. It can show that the event is being held online. Then deliver access to a virtual meeting link after an attendee has paid online with a card.

Professional chefs have a saying called mise en place. It’s French and translates to “put in place.” Within a kitchen, that’s investing some time upfront in preparing ingredients, cookware, and utensils. Then you can use them to prepare a delicious meal since what you need is in front of you.

Here is an example of an event registration landing page with the elements that we’ve talked about:


Remember that the purpose of an event registration landing page is to nudge a visitor to sign up for your event. Your mise en place for an effective event registration page are these ingredients:

  1. Name of the event
  2. Call to action to register for the event
  3. Description of the event
  4. Date and time of the event
  5. Event location

Use the five ingredients to create a compelling event registration page with a WordPress event registration plugin. In doing so, you’ll convert visitors to attendees by encouraging them to register for your event.